Thank you for being a part of Empathia Clinic.
Below are some helpful resources if you feel you need to reach out for help, either between Appointments, or outside of our open hours.
For serious emergency's always call 000 or report to your nearest emergency room.
Help Lines
13 11 14
Youth Line:
(08) 9388 2500
Beyond Blue:
1300 789 978
Q-Life (LGBTI+):
1800 184 527
Men's Line Australia:
1300 789 978
Crisis Care Help Line:
(08) 9223 1111
Suicide Call Back Service:
1300 659 467
The Samaritans Crisis Line:
(08) 9381 5555
Butterfly Foundation (eating disorders):
1800 334 673

Medical Care
(08) 6152 2222
Night Doctor:
1300 644 483
Health Direct:
1800 022 222
Dial a doctor:
1300 030 030
Leeming Medical:
(08) 9332 5222
Support Services
Parenting Line WA:
1800 111 546
Gambling Helpline:
0800 858 858
Alcohol & Drug Support Line:
(08) 9442 5000
Men's Domestic Violence line:
1800 000 599
Family Relationship Advice Line:
1800 050 321
Domestic Violence Counselling:
0800 737 732
Women's Domestic Violence line:
1800 007 339
Aboriginal Drug & alcohol Services:
(08) 9221 1411